Michael Kieran

Technology, imaging, and more.

Three Kinds of Community

Reposted from NimbleConnect, the Nimble Storage community:  http://ow.ly/moiZR

With this week’s launch of NimbleConnect, I’ve been reflecting on three different aspects of community:

  • First, there’s the InfoSight deep-data analytics service that Nimble Storage also introduced this past week. For the past couple of years, Nimble has been measuring 30-million sensor values per array per day, using real-time analysis of this data for proactive wellness and customer support. InfoSight now aggregates this data and adds sophisticated cache and CPU modeling to provide clear recommendations around load balancing, upgrades, and other issues. In essence, every InfoSight user benefits from the data contributed by all other customer’s arrays – from their membership in a larger community.
  • Second, you’ll notice there are already a number of InfoSight-related stories in NimbleConnect, each highlighting an actionable data point that can help our customers better understand or optimize the performance of their data storage systems. The insights an individual customer gains from InfoSight are often relevant to many others running similar workloads, and NimbleConnect provides the ideal forum for sharing and discovering this kind of content – a community of people with similar cares and concerns.
  • Third, when designing NimbleConnect, a principal objective was to foster communication and collaboration, to make it easy for members to help other members. That’s why I was so happy, within two days of launching NimbleConnect, to see three separate cases where a Nimble customer asked a technical question and had it quickly and accurately answered by another Nimble customer or reseller. This organic emergence of community spirit wasn’t entirely unexpected, but still, it warmed my heart. People helping other people succeed? That’s what community is all about.

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